"AQTA" transferred all information systems to "Government Cloud"
06 Apr, 2024

The implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev No. 718 dated June 3, 2019 on the creation of the Government Cloud (G-cloud) and the provision of “cloud” services continues.

Within the framework of transition works, full or partial migration of information systems and resources of government agencies to Baku and Yevlakh Data centers owned by AzInTelecom LLC, operating under the auspices of the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, is carried out.

Food Safety Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan (AQTA) was the next state institution that transferred its information systems and resources to the "Government Cloud". The Agency acquired the IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) virtual server service provided by "AzInTelecom" LLC within the framework of migration to "Government Cloud". "AQTA" ensured the high availability of its critical systems by fully placing its information systems in the Baku Data Center owned by "AzInTelecom" LLC.

At the same time, the Agency used the BaaS (Backup-as-a-Service) cloud service for the purpose of safe data storage. AzInTelecom has provided "AQTA" specialists with the "Veeam" platform in order to manage the functionalities provided within this service in a more flexible and simple way.

It should be noted that with the migration of government agencies to the "Government Cloud", current IT costs are reduced and the productivity of information systems is increased. Thus, further improvement of the security of information systems, stable and sustainable IT infrastructure, high-quality service provision with prompt coordination and 24/7 monitoring service are achieved.

AzInTelecom LLC is the first organization in Azerbaijan and the South Caucasus region with "TIER III" International compliance certificate. In addition, it has 2 Data Centers located in Baku and Yevlakh that meet the requirements of "ISO 20000", "ISO 22301" and "ISO 27001" certificates.