SIMA was integrated into the system of the Ministry of Science and Education
06 Jun, 2023

SIMA, a cloud-based digital signature of a new generation, created by AzInTelecom LLC operating under the auspices of the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, continues to expand the circle of its partners for government agencies.

The SIMA digital signature is already being integrated into the information systems of the Ministry of Science and Education. In the initial stage, the integration of SIMA into the "Higher and Secondary Specialized Education Subsystem" portal under the ministry has been completed.

Now officials of higher educational institutions, secondary specialized educational institutions, as well as employees of organizations under the auspices of which are higher and secondary specialized educational institutions and scientific organizations, operating in the Republic of Azerbaijan, will perform identity verification using SIMA when entering the Portal.

Before the integration with SIMA, specialists of institutions were logging into the system using a set username and password. As a result of the integration with SIMA, new generation digital signature based on biometric solutions, access to the system will be more reliable and the reliability of the user's direct access will increase.

New generation digital signature SIMA has a number of advantages for both citizens and service providers. Reducing financial costs and preventing time loss creates special advantages for both segments. In addition, SIMA can be integrated into any system. As well as automation, which allows users to sign quickly and in any number.

To obtain a digital signature, which is free of charge for citizens, it is enough to download the SIMA mobile application to the device and register once. The signature, which increases accessibility to digital services, is expected to speed up business processes in our country.

You can get more detailed information about SIMA digital signature by contacting "157"  "AzInTelecom" LLC Call Center.