"AzInTelecom" LLC, operating under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, recently hosted an event in collaboration with the State Labour Inspectorate Service under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, the National Observatory on Labour Market and Social Protection Affairs, and the State Employment Agency. The event focused on the recent changes in labor legislation and the "Labour and Employment" subsystem (AMAS).

The event was attended by nearly 100 employers and representatives from these organizations. During the event, Mirshahbaz Seyidli, Deputy Head of the Commerce Department at "AzInTelecom" LLC, delivered a presentation on the new generation digital solution, “SİMA İmza.” He highlighted the advantages of using “SİMA İmza” in signing employment contracts. Mirshahbaz Seyidli also provided detailed information about the registration and use of the “SİMA İmza” application and answered participants' questions.

It should be noted that according to recent changes in the Labor Code, employment contracts and any amendments to them in Azerbaijan only gain legal force after being signed with an enhanced electronic signature.

There is no need for users to visit any office or make any payments to obtain “SİMA İmza.” They can easily download the “SİMA İmza” app on their smartphones, register online, and start using their digital signature. This enables users to sign employment contracts anytime and anywhere, significantly increasing accessibility in the digital age.

For information regarding registration in the "SİMA İmza" app, users can contact SİMA İmza's social media accounts or the Call Center at 157. All requests are processed in the order received.

For inquiries related to the "Labor Relations and Employment" subsystem within the Centralized Electronic Information System of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, it is recommended to contact the "DOST Call Center" at 142.